Men's Watson Shield - Belfast 1 not played, double header this weekend. Belfast 2 - 1 win from their games ag Lincoln
U5 Pairs - Div1 had a loss against Beckenham, Div 2 nice win over Pap Club
Prem Women's Sevens - Div 1 1 win and 2 losses against leaders Woodend. Div 3 W, D & L against leaders Lincoln
Women's Double Triples - 1 win and 1 loss in their matches against New Brighton
Men's 3x3s - No luck against Christchurch
U5 Fours - Tight win over Sydenham
Manning Cup - 1 of each against Parklands
Ahead of the Nationals being played at our Club we are having a working bee on 17th February starting at 9:30am.
If you are able to bring along yourself and any of the equipment noted below that would be great.
Your help with this would be gratefully appreciated.
Once again Murray Jones will be hosting this event at our Club this Sunday the 16th February. This tournament is recognised as one of the best events for newer bowlers in the region. Murray was quick to mention that we are fortunate to have the sponsorship of Aero Bowls (Eric Allison) and Graham Hill Roofing. Super Liquor have donated a raffle prize and other players have offered to bring raffle prizes. We also acknowledge the support of Leaderbrand, Phillip always gets behind our Club's events. Marilyn, Wendy, Greg, and Jill will be helping out and Rose is our Umpire for the day.
Weather forecast looks great so another successful event is highly likely, worth a look I'd say.
Okay its Club Thursday and we have Gemma and Byron putting out the following menu:
Please get your orders in as early as possible, meals will be available from around 6pm. Cost is $15, please order through Jenny at the bar.
Belfast have been awarded some rounds in the Fours and Mixed Pairs. Men's Fours will be seen at our Club over 20-22nd February. That includes post section. In the Mixed Pairs we will be hosting games from 24th to 26th which again includes post section. Mark your calendars, it's going to be worth coming to watch.
If you're looking to learn more about our game then follow the Youtube link below for some key skills. While developed 12 years ago it is still great content, particularly if you're new to the game or looking to start.
You will have noticed that the honors boards have been taken down to make way for the new TV. We're having new boards made but also want to assure members that we'll be mounting framed images of past years honors to retain that important history.
It was proposed that a sub committee have a look at the design of our Club shirts and this work has been completed. You will see in the Clubrooms some examples and I have also posted below a front image of the polo.
Shortly we'll give Club members a chance to vote on the new design, so look out for that in coming issues.
There's been a lot of thought put into the design and making sure we retain important links to those key colours that are part of the Belfast history.
Hope you didn't miss the news we posted about the Club's success in winning the Canterbury Centre event. Congratulations to Kerry Becks, Julie Adams and Rebecca Jelfs.
We (Watson Shield) had an interesting situation in a game out a Lincoln last Saturday. The opposition player just assumed they had 2 shots on the head and started moving bowls before even checking with our team. Always check with your opposition on what you're agreeing to or if you're going to measure for shot(s).
I also noted some support from one of our skips, on the next rink, around the matter and this is what being part of your wider team and Club is all about.
Greg Clapp
027 550 0032
Ross Groves
0276 748 230